Monday, May 2, 2016

Star vs. The Forces of Evil: Toffee Theory

Toffee is a recently introduced villain in the show. I believe Toffee was sent from somebody to do their "dirty work" and eventually got Star to destroy her wand. When Star vs. The Forces of Evil comes back, I believed we will be reintroduced to Toffee as a main antagonist, especially regarding the other piece of Star's wand.
What is interesting about Toffee is that he can regenerate his limbs when severed, but only his middle finger remains not regenerated.
Toffee eventually betrayed Ludo, and if he is working for somebody, he may have betrayed him as part of the job, or he may eventually betray the person he is working for.

I know this is a small theory, but it is all I had. Hope you enjoyed! Stay tuned!