Cartoon Network has recently released the promo for "In Too Deep" the
Steven Universe four week special event. (Link is at the bottom) This post will contain my thoughts on the promo.
The cluster is starting to grow, and break the core of the Earth. Also Malachite is coming back, and the gems don't know what to do. They have to show Steven their dark side. In the promo, you can hear Pearl silently singing the extended version of the theme song, and repeats the words "What we really are." My opinion, is that they have to show Steven "what they really are" and to fight dirty. Pearl, Amethyst, and Garnet have been babying Steven through out the show, and now have to really have to show Steven what gems were made for, fighting. For a few seconds, you can see the gems coming together to form Alexandrite, which is a fusion of all three of the gems.

Afterwards, you can see Alexandrite fighting Malachite, and they are doing it rather aggressively, unlike the fighting we've seen the gems do before. Then, you see Steven and Peridot, in what looks like a capsule, also shown at the end, which looks like they are traveling to the center of the earth to go to the cluster. What is interesting, is that it just shows Steven and Peridot, and not any of the other gems. Then for a split second, you see the drill, that the gems had been working on for the past few episodes, plummeting to the center of the earth, following Steven's eyes looking worried. Steven and Peridot, in the drill hit something that starts to grow. Then he takes a deep breath like he had woken up from a bad dream. Was all of it a dream? Re-watching it, it seems like the gems are on the moon, and Steven and Peridot are still on earth, going to find the cluster. At the end, you see Steven and Peridot still in that capsule, and Steven asks "What's that sound?" and a hand, looking somewhat like Alexandrite's, grasps the window. My guess is it was the cluster, but after re-watching it multiple times, I think the hand looks strikingly similar to Alexandrite.
Thanks for reading! Comment what you think and if you have any additions!